Students who are looking forward to their doctoral and masters’ degrees face several barriers in the process.   There are certain issues that may eventually become serious issues like anxiety, stress, procrastination, perfectionism, and negative thinking.   Other things that would become real problems include managing multiple responsibilities, committee issues, and not getting enough support from your faculty.   When such issues become serious, your dissertation process becomes even more difficult. 

 A good move would be to look for a Dissertation Coach.   When you have a coach, you will get the necessary assistance to overcome barriers in your dissertation process.  A dissertation coach will assist you to become more accountable, develop a realistic work plan, and overcome barriers.

Dissertation coaches are experienced experts and they know what is required to produce the best results on time.  They will help you stay motivated along the way.   Also, dissertation coaching will help you avoid the little issues that eventually become big problems.   In case you are uncertain whether you can start on your thesis, your coach will provide the necessary assistance to begin and finish your assignment.  

With dissertation coaching, the process begins with choosing a perfect dissertation topic.  Your coach will help you understand the topic fully and become aware of your thesis objective.  Your coach will give a list of deliverables together with the scope of work to be done. 

 Another area that your coach will offer assistance is on research design, statistical help, research methodology, and writing assistance.   You will also receive help with tracking your progress where the coach will evaluate the progress to determine whether that direction is the right one. Therefore, finding an experienced dissertation coach will help you save so much time and complete your assignment on time.  

 Students while working on their dissertations for doctorate and masters’ degrees experience so much stress.  Such stress arises from the pressure of meeting deadlines, correcting mistakes, and preparation for presentation.   You can reduce such pressure by getting a dissertation coach. Read more on Dissertation Coaching on this site.

 You will also enjoy other benefits of dissertation coaching.  You will complete your dissertation faster.   You will also access the necessary assistance on the right steps to complete your assignment.   You will also get motivation and support from your coach that will be so important. 

Again, your coach will help you prioritize your assignment rather than procrastinate.   Your coach will help you establish and adhere to a realistic schedule to complete your project within the required time.  You will also easily navigate through the dissertation stages.  You will easily take responsibilities and celebrate successes. Learn more here: